For people on a budget, investing for retirement may seem impossible. Financial advisors suggest clients pay off their bills and then start investing. Most people carry a debt balance on credit cards and are not focused on living without debt.
Buying Fine art offers an investor the opportunity to find a stable investment in small art pieces that retain value.
Auction results are a valuable resource and help educate the investor on how much art pieces are worth on the open market.
Art Fairs offer a diversity of choice and the ability to meet with other investors.
The debt reality for beginner investors means that a plan for investing cannot wait for beginner investors to pay off their debt. Investments need to be added to the budget even if you carry a monthly debt balance to accumulate enough for a healthy retirement fund.
To start conservative beginner investing, collectors need to be know where they are in life and what type of assets they are able to accumulate.
To have a rounded investment portfolio, a beginner investor will work to pay off debt, purchase a few investments and put money aside for larger investments and work with a financial plan.
Types of Investments
Stocks and Bond accounts are accessible online for daytraders and those investors interested in long term stock investments. It is not advisable to sell stocks regularly. Each time you sell a stock, the investor incurrs a fee. A daytrader incorporates these fees into their gains but a beginner investor will be investing small amounts and will lose their gains if they are selling the stocks over a short period of time.
Real estate investments
if you are able to find a rent to own property or a property where the owner will hold the note. With these types of properties, you will get more flexibility regarding how you make the investment. If you want assistance in this area, you can let the real estate agent know you want to purchase a house where the owner will hold the note. If your real estate agent does not understand this, keep looking for an agent that focuses on this type of properties or is networked to find a house for you to buy.
Retirement Funds
Funds are perfect if available through work environments. Do not be afraid to ask if there is a pension plan at work that offers matching funds. If there are no matching funds from an employer, talk to a financial advisor about your retirement account options and the tax benefits for your income level.
Collectibles have investment value depending on your interest and the market. Some collectibles lose value while others have retained their value over decades. The rule with collectibles is to collect what you like from dealers who give you receipts. The receipts are valuable when you want to sell the asset at auction or to another dealer.
The rule of thumb for selling collectibles outside of auction is that you will get a quarter of the value. If you are looking to use collectiibles as a short term investment, you need to purchased them in that range.
For long term asset investments, collectibles may be used as collateral for larger investments or may be sold as a lot at auction. Remember that collectibles sold at auction are subject to commission and may be subject to income or capital gains tax.
Exchanging collectibles may not incur a tax until the exchanged collectible is sold. If you are a beginner investor, start your collectible investment journey by meeting other collectors and learning the market.
Tangible Assets
If you are interested in collecting other tangible assets as a beginner, spend time researching the assets that interest you and learning how those assets are sold. Most assets have a base value and may be liquidated for retirement or in case of emergency.
Intagible Assets
Intellectual property assets are also collectible by beginners. Patents, copyrights & trademarks are all typs of traditional intangible assets that a beginner investor may purchase from the owners. This type of investment is perfect for those who are interested in purchasing the assets and then renting, leasing or investing their purchase into another investment at a later date.