Goes With Jeans Asset Definitions

Black Label Asset | GWJ | Definitions |

For Goes with Jeans, the term black label is used for assets that we consider worth purchasing as long term investments and require the buyer to spend more money to purchase the asset. The cost of a black label asset will be higher than JMI Assets.

Blue chip stocks may be black label assets if the corporate stock has a stable price that does not fluctuate greatly and where the stock brand is considered to be in the mid to upper range for investors.

A black label blue chip stock would include Travelers Companies and American Express. There is no official list of blue chip stocks but according to Motley Fool, there are 30 companies in the DOW Jones that meet the standard to be a Blue Chip.

A black label stock outside of the blue chip category, would be companies such as BMW, Diageo PLC, Estee Lauder & Roche Holding AG.

Lyocell Asset |GWJ|Definitions|

There are several reasons why a company will purchase another company creating lyocell assets. Goes with Jeans, looks to see if the company is being acquired for assets (corporate physical assets), intellectual property (patents or processes to improve their own products) or for HR purposes to strengthen the corporation. (Start-ups may be purchased to buy the staff to strengthen a company division such as research or security.)

Lyocell assets are investment assets created by mergers and acquisitions. Lyocell assets purchase opportunities emerge when assets are removed from their original companies and then put together by investors into a new company.

The Lyocell assets will be assets that are worth purchasing and mixing with other assets to create a stronger asset. Lyocell assets will be held by investment firms. Investors who are interested in Lyocell assets will create a company to hold the Lyocell assets. Lyocell assets are considered an advanced investment product.

JMI Assets (JAR Assets) | GWJ | Definitions |

Jar Micro Investment assets are held by investors with asset values of less than £632k. The amount invested by JAR investors is below £316k and investors in this category invest in less than 10 investment asset types including stocks and real estate.

The JAR investor is a beginning investor category. The investments available to a JAR investor need to be stable, stackable & affordable.